General information

Event city: All cities
Event type: LEAP (recruitment & other activities)
Start date: 2021-04-27
End date: 2021-05-16
Event Language: English, Mandarin, Cantonese
Target audience: Undergraduates, Postgraduates, All majors

LEAP 是一个学生俱乐部, 致力培养有热情和志向与我们一同影响世界的全日制本科一、 二年级和研究生一年级同学。

Be a game changer,成为未来的人才

我们着重培养学生的创造力、人际交往、解决问题、快速变通和领导的能力。在LEAP学生俱乐部,你可以参加各类领导力和业务培训以及工作坊,助你充分发挥自身潜力,一展所长。你还有机会帮助我们策划校园招聘活动,提升普华永道的品牌知名度,让你在大学期间就能成为真正的game changer!


普华永道(PwC):在普华永道,人才与技术相辅相成,共同进步,你将体验真正的“game changer”文化。

招聘对象: 欢迎有志向与我们一同影响世界的中国大陆和香港地区的全日制本科一、二年级和研究生一年级学生

LEAP is a student owned club for first, second year bachelor students or the first year master students who are passionate about joining us to make a difference and create an impact.

Be a game changer. Be a future talent.

Creativity, relationships, problem solving, insight, agility and leadership are at the core of our LEAP programme. As a LEAPer, you will be invited to join us for a variety of leadership and business training events. You may also get the chance to be a real life game changer by helping us to design our campus recruitment activities and initiatives to promote our PwC brand!

PwC is a people business and we value the ‘human difference’. If you become a ‘LEAPer’, you will:

Learn about PwC and match your curiosity and passion with inspiring opportunities to contribute to society.
Explore a diverse and inclusive culture that puts people first, enabling you to grow, develop and achieve more.
Advance your learning as you develop ‘fit for the future’ skills to help you prepare for the workplace of the future.
PwC offers you a ‘game changer’ experience where people and technology thrive together, to accomplish more than they could apart.

Target audience: For first, second year bachelor students or the first year master students who are passionate about joining us to make a difference and create an impact.